Schloss Krumbach International School, located in Lower Austria, spoke with SOCIETY Magazine about its inauguration in September 2020, strategies and objectives.
The very first semester at the Schloss Krumbach International School started in September 2020. How was the opening and what are your objectives for the future?
Despite it being our very first academic year we have started off strong, with great upwards dynamics. Firstly, we focused on discovering our students as personalities, their interests, hobbies, passions. Now we seek to inspire each of them to reach his or her full potential, taking the most out of this unique experience.
Blending together the best pedagogical methods and learning techniques from all over the globe, we set a unique study rhythm for every student and make our students improve day by day. Moreover, our offer to study in accordance with the International Baccalaureate Programme in a school holding IB candidacy unlocks immense opportunities. Students can apply to world-leading universities without entrance exams in 140 countries.
What is the educational focus of your school? What sets it apart and how international are your pupils?
2020 marked the 136th anniversary of our founding-family’s pedagogical history. Hence, we are inspired by century-long traditions of education as we aim to widen students’ intellectual horizons and inculcate love to studying, as well as 21st millennial values and social commitments.
The quality of education at Schloss Krumbach rests upon the academic excellence of our teachers, their professional experience, innovative methods, shining pedagogical enthusiasm and love for kids. We are thrilled to see our cultural diversity grow as we plan on having students from all over the globe. Therefore, the school administration set up a service which provides visa-related assistance to both students and teache

What are the essential skills you want to pass on to your pupils?
Our students acquire academic and social skills. We encourage them to develop critical thinking, creativity, flexibility and a solution-oriented approach to life. Schloss Krumbach is not just a robust studying institution which helps students to excel academically. It also develops characters and personalities, encouraging structural thinking, good manners, wider outlook and a responsible attitude towards world, nature and society.
As its name already suggests, the school is located in a very historic building. How can such an environment positively influence the students and their learning?
Indeed, our students live and learn in a unique atmosphere imbued with a spirit of history yet featuring the most innovative aspects of modern civilization. The location of the Castle allows our teachers to easily include regular physical activity such as hiking and walking into a daily routine. The region, also known as the „land of a thousands hills“, is not just a landscape with breathtaking majestic and pastoral views. It also refers to walking routes of varying difficulty, starting off literally right outside the main gate of the castle.
Fotocredits: ALENA POLOSUKHINA; Schloss Krumbach International School