A high-level delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia, led by H.E. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev visited Vienna on the occasion of the special conference „Vienna Economic Talks – New Perspectives for the Republic of North Macedonia“ organized by the Vienna Economic Forum (VEF). The conference took place on May, 20th at the headquarters of the A1 Telekom Austria Group. High-ranking representatives of the Austrian, regional, European and international economies discussed the manner in which the newly opened possibilities could positively influence the common regional economic collaboration.
The previous day, on May, 19th, SOCIETY publisher Mag. Gertrud Tauchhammer met with H.E. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at the Ristorante Sole for an interview about the future possibilities of North Macedonia and the chances, the Vienna Economic Talks can provide in this regard. They were joined by DI Dr. Günther Rabensteiner, president of the Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva and the former president of Austria, Heinz Fischer.
Photos: SOCIETY/Pobaschnig