The Annual General Assembly of Vienna Economic Forum in 2021 took place on 8. March 2021 at the Headquarters of Novomatic AG in Gumpoldskirchen, hosted by the newly elected VEF Vice-President DI Ryszard Presch, Member of the Executive Board, COO of Novomatic AG.
VEF President DI Peter Umundum, Board member of the Österreichische Post AG opened the Assembly by greeting the present members and in accordance with the statute guided through the agenda.
In her report on the VEF activities in 2020, the Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva underlined the successful development of Vienna Economic Forum, which was noticeable despite the unusual and very challenging conditions. In reference to the year 2021, as an important topic of the VEF annual planning, she announced the endeavor to continue to organize, in connection with the economic and investment plan for the Western Balkans, Vienna Economic Talks with high-ranking representatives of regional politics and economy in a hybrid form.
The VEF Secretary General addressed all those in attendance and extended her gratitude that, even under the conditions of the digital present, they are relying on the networking potential of Vienna and driving Vienna Economic Forum forward with their visions.
The VEF President DI Peter Umundum informed about the admission of new VEF Members at the Board meeting held on 15. February 2021, as follows:
As members – legal entities:
– Canon Austria GmbH
– Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
As a member – natural person:
– Mr. Emanuel Forest, Member of the EU Mission Board for Climate-neutral and Smart City
The new VEF members were unanimously welcomed by the General assembly.
Furthermore, the general assembly unanimously reached the following decisions:
– DI Ryszard Presch, Board member of Novomatic AG was co-opted as Board member and Vice-President of Vienna Economic Forum;
– Mr. Vlastimir Golubović, President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, was elected Board member of Vienna Economic Forum;
The following were appointed as members of the Patrons Committee of Vienna Economic Forum:
– H.E. Mr. Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister of North Macedonia
– H.E. Dr. Zoran Tegeltija, Prime Minister of Bosna and Herzegovina
– H.E. Mr. Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine
– H.E. Mr. Zdravko Krivokapić, Prime Minister of Montenegro
Honorary membership in the Honorary Committee of Vienna Economic Forum was awarded to the following persons:
– Ambassador Vasilka Poposka Trenevska, PhD, Professor of Biostatistics and former Ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia in the Republic of Austria
– Mr. Ahmet Mesut Ersoy, former Managing director, Denizbank AG and former VEF Board member
– Dr. Ernst Huber, former Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ)
After a few brief addresses, the VEF President DI Peter Umundum expressed his gratitude and closed the General Assembly.
Following, Novomatic AG, together with the new Vice-President of Vienna Economic Forum, invited to a small reception.
The team of Vienna Economic Forum thanks all Members for the constant support of the numerous VEF activities in 2020. The trust placed in us motivates us to conquer new horizons!
Text: Vienna Economic Forum / Photos: SOCIETY/Pobaschnig